
Friday, February 3, 2012

Fast River of College

So here I sit about to write another blurp about my life, and I'm drawing a blank. Well actually not a blank, there's lots going through my head, just having trouble grabbing a thought. Sometimes I feel like I have suddenly gotten ADD, because I find it so hard to focus on one thought. They tend to be like something floating in a fast moving river. The current takes these thoughts away before I can get a grasp on one. 

Because of this I tend to just be in myself, because trying to be vocal to someone is very hard. Things tend to come out in a cluster fuck or like a record that skips all over the place. For instance, I was having trouble making that last sentence understandable, so I got up and brushed my teeth. I didn't stop trying to grab a thought while I brushed my teeth, but when I came back I just started typing and it came out right. Maybe I just need to be multi-tasking. If that's the case it will take me forever to get one of these things done. 

So today is Friday, and if Superman made it through today without any form of violence at school he will get to pick something out of his rewards bag. Hoping today is a good day for him. 

Today, Jokester takes his spelling test. Keeping my fingers crossed that he does well on it. It wasn't looking very promising this morning when I asked him how to spell the word "hope", he kept spelling it "hoke". Oh my son, you can do it!

Princess got to go visit a college yesterday, and when I picked her up, I asked if she liked it. "Oh yeah mom it was great!" "Did you like it better than Oshkosh?" (she did a two week pre-collage stint there back in 9th grade)"Way better than Oshkosh, they have sky-ways and tunnels so I don't ever have to go outside!" ??? "Um Princess, I don't think that qualifies as a good college. You know the ability to never go outside." "I know that mom, you asked me what I liked better than Oshkosh." Point taken daughter, touche. Then she kicks into high gear... "Plus it's close to the Mall of America, and there was a good selection of food places there, and the students who were telling us about the college said the community was really cool, and the dorms looked pretty good too, they have a separate dorm for the Freshman." Oh Lord we are up shit creek if this is what she is basing her decision on the college she is going to go to. "Princess, I understand the importance of food for your bottomless stomach, but I highly doubt your going to have a whole bunch of spare time to go hang out at MOA, and if you decide to go there you can still live at home and save some money on rent and oh I don't How about the classes? Do they have the one's you need? That is after all the reason your going to college." "Yeah their language classes looked pretty good." "Ok those aren't the important classes. How about the science classes you need, do they have those?" Vague answer coming..."I'm sure they do, but if they don't they are contracted with other colleges that will have the ones I need. Oh and I get a $8,000 scholarship because I'm in AP, that's a $32,000 savings. Plus all their scholarships automatically roll over the following year." Well hell's bells there is promise for this kid. Way to try and win the argument with the highlight of saving money. Now keep in mind that this kid has a very good chance that she will get into Harvard or any other esteemed college. "So Princess is this the college for you?" "It is until I go visit the next college. Then that's the one for me." Oh this is going to be a very very long process...sigh.


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