
Thursday, February 23, 2012

There's "Someone" in My Kitchen!

One of the things that just makes my eyes go crossed and steam come out my ears is when "someone" decides to go into the kitchen and create stuff. Now don't get me wrong this "someone" is actually a very good creator of edible things. I love it when he creates!

I however do not like the mess that is left over. It is gigantic! It is indescribable. One can only, upon entering the kitchen, just stand there with mouth gaping wide, as you take in the destruction. I'm talking food splattered on the other side of the kitchen and on the ceiling type of disaster. 

Lately this "someone" (DH) has decided that he want's to start juicing veggies and fruit. Sweet! Way cool! I have nothing against getting healthier. I would do it too, but I just don't like the consistency. Thinking I might be the smoothie kinda girl. 

So aanyhoo, awhile ago, I went out and found a couple of juicers at the thrift store. (Yes I am a thrift store junkie) I bought them both just in case. Apparently the person who had them before was a lazy person, because it seriously took me three hours to clean these things. Glad they were so cheap or they would have been tossed within the first half hour. 

So I made the first couple of drinks for DH, I made sure I clean the stupid juicers till they shined. After all the work I already put into them I sure had better not find them looking like that again. 

Then that day came. That day when someone decided to make his own juices. It was a happy, sad day for me. Happy because I no longer had to make these these seriously huge pain in the butt drinks, sad because Somebody was in the kitchen, and I wasn't even getting a steak made for me. The mess was so not worth it. I felt seriously ripped off. 

The mess turned out to be everything I imagined, and then some. I have to say he did manage to get the equipment into the sink, however the rinsing and washing was left to Princess and I. I hate juicers! I will be just as healthy eating a whole fricken apple and not have the mess. He made about four of the drinks, and realized what a pain in the ass they were to make.  

While it's a good thing to do things to get your body healthier, sometimes doing things the old fashioned way is best. Well I guess that is if you don't want steam and my eyes going crossed you will go the clean old school way. Cuz good golly miss molly, I am bone tired of cleaning up after peoples. Cheers to you on getting healthy again!

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