
Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Missing Meat Loaf Recipe.

Awhile back, I don't know like some years ago, I was on the quest to find a Meat Loaf recipe. I had never made Meat Loaf, but only ate it. 

So I went to my go to place for just about everything in my life. The great internet. I looked high and I looked low. I studied the recipes, pictured how the ingredients would taste together, went back and forth, finally I had it narrowed down to two. Close enough, I could work with that.

So I tried the first one, not very impressed. Don't get me wrong, it made a good loaf, but it sure wasn't like mom used to make. So the next time I tried recipe number two. Even farther off the mark with that one. Was wishing I just had my mom's recipes.

Let's fast forward three years to the present. I was digging through mom's recipe boxes, and what did I find? Not one, but two of mom's Meat Loaf recipes! I had the little buggers all along! Three years ago I never thought to dig through the recipe boxes. Sigh...

So of course I made them, well I made one of them, and it was just like mom used to make! (don't figure since it was her recipe) 

My mom loved to cook. Thing is, unless she was following a recipe to the T, it usually wasn't very good. I, as her guinea pig can attest to that. She collected most of her recipes from friends, books, and who knows where else. I'm not sure if there is any in those boxes that she actually came up with, but the ones I do have are one's I grew up on. I loved most of them, and I enjoy making them for my family so they can have a bit of grandma even though she has passed. 

So today I bring you:

Mom's Sour Cream Meat Loaf

For the filling:
1/2 c. chopped onions
1 c. mushrooms
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine
1/3 c. sour cream

For the loaf:
1 1/2 lbs ground beef
2/3 c. oatmeal
1 egg
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tsp. salt 
1tsp Worcestershire sauce
2/3 c. milk

Ok here goes the directions, this could get a bit hairy carry. 

Take the onions and mushrooms and brown them in the butter or margarine. 
When done, add sour cream. 
Set aside

Mix the beef, oatmeal, egg, salt, pepper, Worcestershire, and milk together well. Will be very moist.
Place half of meat mixture in your pan
Add the filling to the top of meat mixture.
Place remaining meat mixture over the filling.
Seal pan with tin foil.
Bake in pre-heated 350 oven for 1 hour.
Let stand 5 minutes before slicing. 

Well holy crap, hope that sounds right for you alls. If you have any questions let me know, I'll try to help you the best I can. 

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