
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jumping Phones, Trolling Police, and Noses

I have a problem with breaking the screen on my phones. Usually it is me dropping the stupid phone on a rock, but yesterday I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't even touching my phone and my stubby little fingers where no where near it...I swear! The damn thing decided to jumped right out of my pocket and committed suicide after it of course found the one and only rock in sight. Figures. 

On to another topic, I'm sitting here at the puter, which is on the kitchen table (like we need the table to eat), which is facing the window, which is looking out on the alley, and I see the police are trolling for someone. Now I'm glad they are doing their job, what I'm not glad about is the fact that these idiots who are running like my yard. A lot.

Since we have the only yard that is not enclosed in a fence, the idiots who are running from the police like to run through it, or hide in it. One time there was a guy running and he had the brilliant idea to hide under my truck. I woke up to my room being lit up like a Christmas tree with flashing lights. So like any person that this happens to, I go to check it out. I get downstairs in time to see the police dog dragging some kid out from underneath my truck. Nice...and dumb. Not a very good hiding spot there mister "your light bulb isn't so bright".

Oh hell, I forgot what I was going to write about due to my little distraction. Phones! That's right, talking about jumping phones.
So now I must go buy another phone. I hate shopping for phones. There are just too many to decide from, well not really since I have to stay with my carrier, since DH just put $90 on my accountYes we go prepaid, WAY cheaper. I just really don't want to buy another "stupid" phone. I researched the phone that just broke big time, and it seemed to be an ok one, bought it...hated it. It was the dumbest smartphone ever. It shouldn't have even been called a smartphone. Well I guess I don't have to deal with it any more, problem solved. So off I go to find me a new phone, and hell while I'm at it, I think I just might get my nose pierced. Yeppers it's going to be that kind of day.

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