
Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Slacking...I'm Sorry

     So here I am. I have really been slacking with the blog, and I am sorry. It's summer time and I get busy, and well...this gets put to the back burner. But I'm here to saaayyy-----HI!

     So as you know I've been working on adding some more family members. Truth is this is kinda why I haven't been writing. I seem to have lost my funny during all this fighting. I've been feeling a bit down. 

     Really what I've been feeling is anxious. I really don't have the patience to wait on people who have control over my possible future. I want answers now! I guess I would even settle for updates, or a little piece of paperwork. Anything would do at this time. It would help alleviate the feeling of being screwed over that I keep getting regarding the sending state. 

     Years ago I asked God for patience. Now he has a funny sense of humor, He really does. You see, He provided me a certain job that required a TON of patience. Now here I was thinking we could ya know do a course on patience or something. Ya know kinda ease into it. Stick a toe in to feel the temperature of the water, just in case I didn't like what I was about to get involved in. Hum, funny. He had other ideas. The job he gave me was a school bus driver. Joke was on me. 

     Talk about a job that required a lot of patience! Not only did I have to deal with traffic and the people out there who really shouldn't have been given a license, but I had to deal with 120 screaming, talking, booger flinging, airplane sailing, bouncing kids a day. Patience. I earned it then, and I find I need some extra dosages of it now. I will not however be asking God to teach me it again. I fear what He might have in store for me this time. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Low sodium, and Additions

Wow, so I have been on this reduced sodium diet for about two months now. I really, really hate it. Just for the fact I have been making EVERYTHING from scratch. I'm getting very tired of trying to find recipes with low sodium, and then reducing the sodium even further. 

What really sucks is that DH and I used to go out to eat on the weekends as our little thing to do, but now we can't since I can't eat at any restaurants. Well, let me correct that. I can eat anywhere, but for the most part all I can have is a salad...oooo how boring. 

I always got in cooking slumps before, but now with my limits...there are days where it's just too much effort to even think about finding something I can eat. I have been making meals that I can't eat, just to get the family fed. I usually end up having a piece of fruit. Even if I do manage to find and make something I can eat, the portion size is so small that I never am filled up. 

The good thing about all this...I'm not as dizzy as I have been in the past. I can really tell when I have eaten too much salt. The other good thing is that I'm loosing weight...finally. The first month I lost 5 lbs. I have no idea how much I have lost now, as we don't have a scale and I haven't had to go to the doctors. I can see it in my face, unfortunately it is all sliding down to my hips and butt. So I guess this reduced sodium diet is a good thing. I'm loosing weight and feeling great. Bwahaha, sorry couldn't resist. 

Other things on the plate here at the crazy house. We are finally moving forwards with the adoption. Although it's at barely a crawl. I'm doing a HUGE blog about this as things either don't move anywhere, or crawl forwards at an agonizingly slower than slow turtle pace. I guess it ok that it's moving slow since we are not set up or ready for the kids yet. 

Part of getting ready has been to go through everything and start getting rid of the crap that has followed us around for 8 years. We are emptying the house only to fill it again, but of course in a good way. We get to re-arrange the house again to accommodate the new family members. Also on our plate is looking for a much bigger house.  

Now since we have been going through stuff, I have to wonder, where the heck all this came from. I guess for us (DH) it's mostly papers that have to be filed or something. Boxes and boxes of papers. For me, I'm really at a cross roads as to what to do with my sewing stuff. This house has been too small for me to set it up anywhere, and for sure there wont be room now. So I must either get rid of it all which would make me a very sad momma, or find somewhere to store it as we have no garage, and our basement is too wet.  

So as you can see I have been busy, busy, busy, and I don't think it has set in to DH's head what we really need to do for this. I laid it all out for him last night, and he was like. "Wow, alrighty, gottcha, yep, ok." Not sure if this meant he got the idea and is really gonna move on all this, or if he was just saying this to shut my panicking ass up. Because yes, right about now I'm starting to panic. We have no idea when anything will happen on our end, so we are working with a deadline that is sometime in the future. I should say in all fairness that DH has been doing a wonderful job of helping me with the sorting and tossing. I finally got him to go through stuff, it only took 8 years. 

So yeah, I am trying to keep focused and not become to overwhelmed with the enormous task before me. I make sure I have my little moments set aside for me to freak out. I just keep chugging along, tossing and sorting. Now I have to scrub, scrub, scrub. The house was never deep cleaned or painted before we moved in. I did just a quick clean, as things moved kinda fast when we moved here, so now I must go back and scrub all the spots I missed and scrub the spots that have since gotten dirty. I think I need an organizer to attack my house, but I don't have the money to hire someone. So I guess I will stumble along. 

And that folks is whats been happening here at The Crazy Life: Ramblings of a mom. Things were just getting too quiet, so we thought we would shake it up a bit...ok maybe a lot.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

When Mental Disorders Come Knocking

My family has a lot of mental issues, well I guess I should say my mom's side has the issues. Awhile back my therapist asked me why I kept finding myself surrounded by people who have mental issues. My answer was, " because it's all I know I guess?" I've been around it my whole life that it just seems part of me. She suggested I find "normal" people to hang out with. 

Well in theory that would be just fab, but here in my real world it's here to stay. I have an Aunt. I love this Aunt, but this Aunt suffers from Schizophrenia. I don't mean to make it seem like this is the plague or something, it's just what she was diagnosed with years ago. 

Now this Aunt for some reason seems to think that I am her best friend. Which I guess is ok, except when she has her episodes. Her constant calling is enough to drive the most calm, cool person crazy. 

Her latest thing is that someone keeps stealing her apartment keys and coming in there and staying there while she is in the hospital or something. They have also taken her car keys and they just sit out in her car. Now I fully believe that at one point in her life, that someone could have possibly squatted in her place while she was in the hospital. She hasn't always kept the best of company, although she is getting better at choosing who she associates with.  So this fear is probably based on past events.

The subject before this was the cat I gave her years ago. Miss Priss. Yes that is what I named the cat, as she was the most prissy thing I had ever seen. Anyhow, she got rid of the cat many years ago, but she was insisting that she had seen her. Maybe, maybe not, probably not. She also seemed to have forgotten that I was the one who gave her the cat, but insisted that the cat was being chased by an evil mean man and she was so matted and starving. 

It is very hard to get voicemails and phone calls from her when she is in this place. I know that her thinking is a bit off, well maybe very off, but I just want to scream at her and tell her the actual events. I know deep down it wont help, but damn it! And currently I am on the phone with her as she sits in the hospital. The cycle never ends.