
Saturday, June 2, 2012

When Mental Disorders Come Knocking

My family has a lot of mental issues, well I guess I should say my mom's side has the issues. Awhile back my therapist asked me why I kept finding myself surrounded by people who have mental issues. My answer was, " because it's all I know I guess?" I've been around it my whole life that it just seems part of me. She suggested I find "normal" people to hang out with. 

Well in theory that would be just fab, but here in my real world it's here to stay. I have an Aunt. I love this Aunt, but this Aunt suffers from Schizophrenia. I don't mean to make it seem like this is the plague or something, it's just what she was diagnosed with years ago. 

Now this Aunt for some reason seems to think that I am her best friend. Which I guess is ok, except when she has her episodes. Her constant calling is enough to drive the most calm, cool person crazy. 

Her latest thing is that someone keeps stealing her apartment keys and coming in there and staying there while she is in the hospital or something. They have also taken her car keys and they just sit out in her car. Now I fully believe that at one point in her life, that someone could have possibly squatted in her place while she was in the hospital. She hasn't always kept the best of company, although she is getting better at choosing who she associates with.  So this fear is probably based on past events.

The subject before this was the cat I gave her years ago. Miss Priss. Yes that is what I named the cat, as she was the most prissy thing I had ever seen. Anyhow, she got rid of the cat many years ago, but she was insisting that she had seen her. Maybe, maybe not, probably not. She also seemed to have forgotten that I was the one who gave her the cat, but insisted that the cat was being chased by an evil mean man and she was so matted and starving. 

It is very hard to get voicemails and phone calls from her when she is in this place. I know that her thinking is a bit off, well maybe very off, but I just want to scream at her and tell her the actual events. I know deep down it wont help, but damn it! And currently I am on the phone with her as she sits in the hospital. The cycle never ends. 

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