
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day and a Side Note to Go.

I just wanted to do a little blurp to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day, and to share some news.

Sometimes we forget to be thankful for our children when they have gotten on our last nerve, but we must remember that we need to be thankful for the craziness that our kids provide in our life. There are some who have lost a child, or maybe they aren't able to conceive, maybe their kids were taken from them. There are so many variables to list, that I could go on for some time. 

So to you, I wish you a big ole HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU!!!!! Today is your day to sit back and have everyone wait on you. Now if your house is like my house...good luck with that.

We are hoping that The Crazy Life will get a bit more crazy around here. You see we are trying to adopt three additional family members. I can't go into details yet, but I just wanted to let you know that if you see strange posts on my's me just trying to get through this process. I am writing posts about this, but due to the sensitive nature, they will have to wait until we either get to adopt the kids, or we don't. No matter what the outcome, it's going to be an emotional roller coaster around here for a bit. 

Now for those who know me in person...I have yet to tell my father about this, and I'm trying to figure out the right way to do this with out him thinking I'm totally off my rocker. He already thinks I'm a bit strange ya know. So in the mean time this is our little secret. I'll let you know when it's safe ;) 


  1. My family is rather mixed with a daughter with 5 children with 2 different fathers, and a son with a lady whith 4 kids and none of their own. They are all blessings in my life and i thank God every day that they are all a part of my life. I send up prayers and blessings that things will go just the crazy way they are supposed to go in regards to your children and adoption.
    hugs joyce, mother of 2+, grandmother of 9+ and great grandmother of 2+, hugs to all,

  2. Awe! Thank you Joyce, and you are right it doesn't matter where they come from, they are still apart of the family. Totally and completely full of surprises and blessings.
