
Monday, May 7, 2012

The Begining and Possibly the End. Part 1

I'm starting this post now, so that I can give you an idea of how crazy I really am. You see, I have three kids, Princess 17, Jokester 7, Superman 4. I also have three dogs, Henry, Baby-girl, Smokey. Then there is myself, and DH, and for the time being DH's oldest son. That's nine living breathing moving things under one roof, and my house is SMALL!!

So on to why I'm really crazy. Last week I was informed that a family member and spouse  had lost custody and parental rights to their three kids. Now I'm not sure where I got this deep family thing ingrained in me. I mean I don't really see my family much except during holidays, and even then it's a crap shoot, but regardless, I got it. Family is in trouble, family steps in. I am going for custody of my family. There I said it, and yes dad, your daughter is completely off her rocker. Now my family members who reads this, can you help me break it too him??? Just kidding, by the time this gets published he will for sure already know, but put in a good word for me anyhow...I'm gonna need it.

At the time of me writing this, I have no idea what I can and can't say, so I'm going to be as vague as I can, but still give you an idea as to what is going on, or for that matter if anything really becomes of this. For starters, this will be the second time I came to this family members "rescue" regarding a kid. The first occurrence was thirteen years ago when I took in the oldest of the four kids for a short period (the other three were not born yet). I'm not a stranger to taking in kids unfortunately, it's just never been three at one time.

Now I'm going on a rant, just thought I would give you fair warning. WTF is wrong with people? I get that some people fall on hard times and things go terribly wrong. What I don't get is the dumb ass's that continue to fuck up and just keep on running till the shit hits the fan so to speak. These are children you are scarring for life with your stupidity... KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF ALREADY!!! We are getting tired of cleaning up your messes. Don't get me wrong here, I will always do what must be done in this regards, but watching the train wreck happen over and over again kills me inside. Just fuckin stop it, please.

Ok rant done for now, I think. On with the story or lack of story I guess. There is a problem here that is going to be hard to over come. Well at least I think it will, you see I don't have the first idea on how to go about this. Well I guess I should say to make it permanent I guess. The other two time's that I have had a child placed with me were a bit different than this time.  The first time was with the older sibling of these three. At the time the house he lived in was condemned. The state placed the child with me while the house was cleaned up. There weren't any questions asked, the worker just said come and pick up the child. (please keep in mind it wasn't so cut and dry, just trying to be vague to protect people here) The second time was when a family member of DH's lost custody of their kid. Once again Child Protection came knocking on the door, once again I opened the door, and once again there were no questions asked. Was told the child would be coming to my house on the school bus. I'm thinking it's not gonna be like that this time.
The other problem is...I don't know where these poor kids are. I know they are in a state down south, and that is all. I lost the family members number when my phone committed suicide, so I have no way of contacting them. The oldest sibling might have a way, but I guess it's a crap shoot there also. Think it might be the old call a friend and leave a message there for them routine.

So today I placed calls to my state, and to the state that the kids are in. I don't know where the kids actually are other than the state they are in. It's a really big state, and I just called the capital and it actually paid off. The lady kinda mumbled the county they were in, and gave me their workers number. Now I mean no offense here at all cuz I'm sure this isn't an across the board kinda thing, but what the hell is with you southern states not giving relatives their kin? This lady, OMG I can't even talk about it yet she pissed me off so bad! It's ok though I can do this. Dealt with a different difficult worker some years ago from another southern state, I've had practice now. Time to make a few choice calls since this went from me being a foster parent to an adoptive parent in oh I'd say an hour.

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