
Friday, April 27, 2012

I lost Track of Time

Well sometimes things just get away from us. My Princess went out last weekend and found the perfect prom dress with all the accessories. I wonder where the time flew? It seems like just yesterday she was in first grade.  How did she get to seventeen without me knowing? 

My Jokester is going into 2nd grade next year. With him too, it seems like he was just in his walker sneaking french fries from our customers, and not a seven year old boy who is obsessed with healthy eating. 

Then there's my little Superman. DH, wasn't it just awhile ago, that Superman had the emergency surgery when he was 2 months old? He's going to be five this year, and tells me he knows everything.

How time flies. Quite frankly time doesn't even care if your having a good time or a bad time. Time just keeps marching on doing it's thing. Looking back it seems as if the last seventeen years hit warp speed, and holy crap I wasn't supposed to get older this fast either. The last age I remember being was twenty-seven, and cool, and full of energy, and skinnier. A lot skinnier, and not sleep deprived, and I was fun, and skinnier. 

Ok, enough with the skinnier stuff. While it's true that I was skinnier than I am now, that was then and this is now. I must deal with what I have now, and that's all I can do. Seriously though, I do not like being over weight. Let me back that one up a bit and speak the truth. I do not like being fat. 

I seem to be one of those people who lately lacks any motivation. It took me three years to actually do more than just talk about quitting smoking to actually trying to quit. Which I did quit on Valentines day.
Don't ask why that day, I have no clue. It just was time, that's all.  I have to get unbelievably pissed and disgusted with the circumstance that I don't like before I move to change it. Prior to that, I'm all talk. 

Well I'm starting to get pissed about my weight. I want it gone. I am not going to just sit back and embrace my fatness and chalk it up to getting older. Screw that. Big excuse right there. I have over used the excuse of the problems with my back and hips to not do any exercising. Truth is, I can exercise in moderation without ending up in bed for weeks. It is when I go all gung ho that ends up putting me in bed  for weeks. I'm not about to add another excuse to use. Older my ass...

Diet. More specifically my diet. Ha ha, well I should say the families diet. It's changing, whether we like it or not. I have been put on a reduced sodium diet. Guess what? It sucks trying to find stuff to eat. Why, you ask? Here's why...for the most part with a few exceptions, everything out there has sodium in it. Whether it's there naturally or put in by man. There is sodium everywhere! There is salt in stuff that doesn't even need salt in it for crying out loud! I can't get away from the stuff it seems. Since I already have to take drastic measures in finding or making food that is low sodium, I might as well go out on a limb and loose some weight too, and eat healthier like my mom taught me to do. 

Now the hard part for me. I have no idea why I have such a time with this, but I have just a bitch of a time trying to get all the knowledge that is in my brain into a workable plan. It's driving me crazy. Snort, hehe I'm already crazy. Guess that was a short drive. I can research, and dig up information like there is no tomorrow, but putting it all together....whole nother story. I used to be good at this, apparently not any more. So here I sit, with a ton of knowledge and no idea what the hell to do with it all. I put it in a sloppy temporary form of something to tide me over while I continue to work on the plan. Argh!!!! Talk about a set-up for failure. 

Well once again I wrote another post that just took on a mind of it's own. You would think I would have some control over my fingers and what they type, but they just type whatever the hell they want to. This is what the end product looks like. Hope you had a happy read, y'll take care now. I'm off to find some low sodium recipes for enchiladas for dinner tonight. You know this means I have to make everything from scratch here. Ugh.


  1. I just found out that I have a skinny woman living inside me. She cries to get out but I can usually shut her up with chocolate.

    1. LOL, I'm sure my skinny woman could be bribed too. ;)

  2. start off slow and easy...cut out table salt, don't add while cooking unless the recipe actually has to have it or be ruined, cut back on sugars too, and start taking daily walks or other low impact'd be amazed at how much of a difference these small things can make...oh and cut out pop....I dropped 10lbs in a month from this alone :)
