
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Mind is a Slippery Thing

So I have this relative who has some mental issues. Paranoid Schizophrenic I guess would be the actual term for it. It has truly made life interesting. I remember back when I was a kid that this relative was a bit quirky, but pretty cool. That is until I heard the stories and saw the episodes in full swing, and then I was down right terrified. 

Growing up (and still to this day) most of the family would have nothing to do with this relative because, well things could get kinda My mom however stuck with it and weathered the hard times the best she could. For some reason I became this persons favorite relative, and after my mom passed I somehow was promoted to the place my mom had taken.

It gets frustrating sometimes dealing with this relative. The paranoid delusions are at many times more than I can handle. I want to just scream, " IT ISN'T REAL! GET A GRIP. THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT ISN'T OUT TO JUST GET YOU." Here's the real truth, their out to get everybody. Ok, maybe not, but yeah. That's a whole nother conversation for a much different time.

Dealing with this relative is also heartbreaking. To sit there and listen to the words of the battle that is going on in the mind as to what is real and what isn't, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. To never know fact from imagination has got to be so depressing to deal with, but yet there is always a smile. 

I got a call from this relative today, and was told that the hospital that she checked herself into is going to court to make it a court action to have her permanently committed. I wasn't able to get much information, because she was stressed out. What I did get was that they said she was paranoid. Well duh, that would be the definition of Paranoid  Schizophrenic. Oh, yeah this is going to be fun, especially since there isn't anything I can do about any of it. 

This relative is one of the most creative people that I have ever met. The outlook on life that she has is so basic, that I sometimes have to stop and really listen to what she just said to me. Most of us are too busy with life to actually stop and look at things the way they are. Simple. We make things too complicated. 

While I sometimes get frusterated, and angry with her, I know it is something she can't help. I also know that if she is on the correct medication she can and has lived a very productive life. To find out that the hospital wants to have her committed permanently is just flabbergasting to me

So yeah my relative is "crazy", but that's ok. It's ok because she's my Auntie and I love her anyways. I know what she has done in the past, and I know what she is capable of doing, and it's all good because I know she can't help it. Doesn't matter if she was right or wrong, she's still a child of God and deserves to be treated as a human being just like everyone of us deserves. Not just looked at as some mental person who is a burden to everyone.


  1. So get poa and make doctor give her back her other meds

    1. A POA wont help in this case. Those are only used for managing someone else's financial situation.
