
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thinking, and Poof!

So today is Superman's Birthday! I am having a hard time taking it in that it's been five years since I gave birth to him. According to him, now that he is five, he is all grown up and knows everything. I am very happy that isn't the way things work for us humans, I would miss my kids too much. Then again there are days...ya know what I mean right?

We are still hanging in limbo as to news from down south. I seriously have a problem with hanging in limbo. I'm a let's do this thing kinda person, so I find the waiting to be a killer.

The last week or so we have been in a heat wave that broke records. Even with the air on, it still was...yuck. We finally got rain Friday, and I almost went out and did me a little jig. Before we got the rain I told DH he should be doing a rain dance, he just gave me a look and ignored me. Here I was having faith in his ability's and he hasta be like that. Poo on him. 

The kids are enjoying being outside again, well at least Superman is. He's loving his pool he got as an early Birthday present, jokester however only wants to be indoors playing games. Not gonna happen there young fella. I have been giving him a boot in the butt out the door every 30 minutes. This kid is gonna kill me. 

The house is almost back together after having to re-arrange everything except the kitchen. We finally have enough beds for the additions we hope to get. We are going to be packed in like sardines here, but we'll work it, and it's only going to be for awhile. That is until we find a much bigger home that is. 

DH really wants to try a juicing diet. I'm not really on board with it. I like to chew my food, but I have to admit that the thought of the weight loss is appealing. If we do this it means my food budget will be really tight. It is amazingly expensive to only eat fresh fruit and veggies, and my poor garden isn't big enough for something like this. Plus,there is no way in hell the kids would be on board with this. So that means I will be making "six" meals a day. I have enough problems getting the three we do eat on the plate some days. 

So I guess all in all, life is moving along. Some parts are going faster than I would like, while others are barely moving at all. I guess I must just figure out where to place myself so that it all balances out. 

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