
Friday, December 14, 2012

Reminers of the Need to Hug and Love...

The tragedy in Connecticut is horrible, unfathomable, unbelievable, and a shock to the system. What could have cause a person to walk into a school classroom and start shooting innocent children, and others? Wow, there is this thing called communication. You have a problem, you talk about it. If the person is unreceptive, you move on with your life..away from them. You don't arm yourself and just march into a place and start blasting away. 

I have no idea what the hell is going on with society lately. It's like people all of a sudden think that the world revolves around them. Nothing matters but their happiness. What a bunch of selfish little shits. I think it's time we stopped being afraid to discipline our children and get them back on the correct road. What do I know though, I'm just a mom.

The main reason that I am writing this however is that after reading status update after update telling me that I need to, "hug my children more, and love them more" I started to get kinda pissed. (yes I have issues, so do you)  I'm sorry...excuse me? Since when do I need someone to tell me that I need to do this? How about this, if someone does in fact have a legit reason for telling me this, then I shouldn't have my kids in my custody. If this is the case, then I have more serious issues to deal with.

Here's the deal, my kids drive me nuts, stress me out, and test my patience Every. Single. Day. It is a game with them to see just how far they can push my buttons before I will snap. They get my blood boiling, and my BP sky high. They frustrate me to no end, and make me want to run away. Very far, far away. In all honesty there are days that I really wish I hadn't had kids, but the reality is...I do have kids, and I love them just as fiercely as the drive they have to continually push my buttons.

With that being said, there is no possible way that I could hug my kids more, or love them more. They are my life, pure and simple. Now I'm sure that I might have just pissed a few of you off. Guess what? I don't care. Some of you might be thinking that I got the message wrong. Um, no I did not. There is another message floating around that is similar, but has a very different meaning. It is something along the lines of, "be thankful that you still have your children to hug and love." Amen, and very true, and I most definitely am, but I do this on a daily basis, not just because a tragedy happened.

Nothing anyone does or could ever do can take away the pain and heartache that these people are experiencing. Hopefully with God's help and others prayers and support they will be able to move through in life. How about we tell them that we are there for them, and will support them, rather than sit there and share stupid little blurps about how everyone else should hug and love their kids more. How cruel, for these parent and families that are affected by this horrible senseless brutality  to see those postings as they no longer have that person to hug and love.

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