
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Hate the Holidays, but I Love the Food

The holidays are upon us again, and everyday I have been seeing a lot of let's list the things we are thankful for. You know, it's not a bad idea, but I am kinda seeing a trend here, and I am anything but trendy. I personally don't think that we should just pick a day (Thanksgiving) or a month to name the things we are thankful for. We should be saying at least one thing...every day. This includes me too. 

I have been trying to get into the holiday spirit for the last couple of years. The worse I guess was when I worked in the biggest discount store during the holidays. I got slammed with a big ole case of depression. I mean beside the greed of the store it's self, I got a rude awakening on just how gimme gimme our society has become. People are disgusting. I have never in my life done a black friday shopping trip, and I will never ever set foot outside my door on another black friday. I don't give a rat's ass if they promise and guarantee something for free. It ain't happening. That is unless they are giving me a house or a Harley, and then I just might think about it.

The fighting and greed of people blew me away. Here I was homeless and living with my family in a motel room. Barely able to afford the gas to even get to work, and here were thousands of people shoving and pushing just so they could get multiple items that were the same. One lady had 6 of the same tv's, I wont even mention the rest of the stuff in her cart. It made me sick, and I really mean that it almost made me puke.

Now I'm not saying all this to try getting your sympathy, or try playing the poor me act.
What I'm trying to say is, we have forgotten all about what the real meaning is, and also forgotten that getting stuff isn't what we should be all about, or for that matter putting ourselves into debt. 

So I guess for me and my family we don't do the whole black Friday thing, nor do we rack up a ton of debt trying to keep up with the Jone's (seriously sorry if that is your last name, who the hell came up with that one?) We don't even save up, or usually buy gifts ahead of time. I tried that one year, and I found the presents 5 yrs later. I guess some would call this bad planing, but I call it, keeping it real. 

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we don't break out in a sweat to make it the best dinner ever. Years ago when we had our restaurant, we were of course closed for the great turkey day. Keep in mind we lived in a very small community and everyone knew where everyone lived. People started showing up at our door. With food. We had to go to the restaurant as there wasn't enough room at our place for all the people, and that's kinda how it's been ever since. We don't plan for people to come over, they just show up and that's ok. Most of the time we don't even buy the meal goodies until the day before. Now don't get me wrong, we (and when I say we, I mean me) put out one heck of a spread. We have the ham, the turkey, green bean cass, dinner rolls, cranberries, salad, candied sweet potato cass, pie, mashed taters and of course the gravy. All usually made by scratch, the day of. 

I don't stress, and I dont get crabby unless I didn't get a good nights sleep the night before, or people keep coming in the kitchen and bugging me. I do however reward myself with a nice long nap afterwards. I feed them, and then I'm done for the day. Mom no longer exists, go bug dad.

So I wish that you all have a very thankful Thanksgiving, and thank you all for being part of my life also. On that note...I must head to the store because I forgot the apples for the apple crisp. Snap.

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