
Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Begining and Possibly the End. Part 7


So after speaking with the mother of the children and hearing her side, and getting to speak to her mother I decided to write a letter pleading my case to someone high up regarding this case. Well at least that was my intentions on Friday. It's Monday now, and as I went to sit down to really write this letter out, my hands got a mind of their own. I found that rather than looking up the information that was needed for this letter, my hands started typing in other stuff. I ended back up at the headquarters for Texas CPS. Now I just wrote them an email about this whole mess on the 14th.  Something keeps drawing me to them as the possible answer in dealing with this county.

So, I made a phone call, and asked what the formal way of going about letting whomever it is about my intentions of adopting these kids. This lady was so sweet. I gave her a very brief run down on what had been going on regarding the worker, and her supervisor. I told her of my fear that I was not being given a fair opportunity on adopting the kids, or that any of my conversations were being documented in the case record. After all for some reason they were not aware of my other relative, even though that relative had been called several times by them. What can they say, "oops! My bad I forgot to document you in the case file." Not going to let that happen. Thank you Ramsey County for giving me ideas in regards to dealing with these people. Guess it just takes one to know one.

So this sweet lady tells me that it sounds like it needs to be investigated and that she will give me a call by the end of the day. She also said that if it turns out something fishy is going on that she will give me the number to file a formal complaint to the State of Texas. She called me later that day to let me know that she was having trouble finding out information, and getting a hold of  people also, and that she was going to keep digging and would call me tomorrow. She gave me her direct line and re-assured me that she was calling me back like she said she would.

The lady from CPS headquarters called me back, but unfortunately I missed her call. I was at one end of the house, phone what on the other end. Missed it by one ring. Dang! She did leave me a message though, and told me that she had finally gotten a hold of the regional director of CPS and that she would be calling me, and if there was any thing else she could help me with to give her a call. The supervisor she was trying to get a hold of turns out to be one of the supervisors that I had called and left a message with, and one of the people who never called me back. This message was late in the day so I didn't think  that she would be calling today, but I am expecting her call tomorrow.

I feel so helpless sitting here having to rely on someone else to make a decision. I am restless, but can't seem to make myself do anything. Tired, but eyes pop wide open bright and early. Good Lord I hope this lady gives me some answers. This time I made sure I wrote down my questions that I want specific answers too. Speaking of wanting specific answers I had better find an app that will record what I'm saying. I don't have something to record the phone conversation, but I sure can and will be irritating by repeating everything she says to me so I can record it.

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