
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kale? Really? Well Ok Then.

I have decided that it is time to get healthier and loose some weight...ok like a lot of weight. About 60 lbs or so. Yep ya'll I'm a tubby. I usually don't eat a lot of junk food, and we usually don't have much processed food here. Most of what we eat is homemade straight from my heart. Yeah right, it is homemade though. So with that being said...

I have a pop addiction. Yeah big time. I love my pop, which is weird since I don't like to put a bunch of crap I can't pronounce in my body. I guess it is what it is, and it's bad for my health and body so it must go. Problem...I have no idea what to replace it with. I can manage to drink tea, but only with a ton of sugar( kinda defeats the purpose there). I hate the taste and smell of coffee. OMG when DH makes his espresso's I really want to puke.'s so...blah. The only time that I can actually suck water down is when it's hotter than a witches tit (where did that saying come from? I just can't picture a witch's tit being hot, can you?) outside and then that is the only thing that will quench my thirst as long as there are tons of ice cubes.
Diet anything is for sure out. I do not like the taste of it, nor will I allow myself to grow attached to the taste of something artificial. I have a hard enough time getting used to the taste of stuff that's actually good for me. Juice is not cost effective enough, and shouldn't be sucked down like there's no tomorrow anyhow. So as you can see...I'm screwed.

Moving on...a couple of months ago, well I guess sometime before Christmas I saw a documentary about some guy doing a 60 day juice fast. It got me thinking, and that's about all it did. When I told DH about it he on the other hand was like, "hell yeah, why not?" So I found him a juicer. Then I got him the recipe for the Mean Green Juice. Then I got him the ingredients. Can you guess what came next? Yep, I made the juice for him. Can't you see it's all about the patterns here people?

This recipe had Kale in it, not a lot, but it had it. I don't know about you, but Kale is not my thing. At all. It stinks when you juice it and it is so strong and, and unpleasant tasting. The next time I made him a batch of this juice, I cut the amount of Kale in half and it still overpowered everything but the ginger. 

So I have established the fact that I do not like Kale. I don't care if it is the new super food to eat, and will wipe out every disease on earth. (Damn would't that be awesome?)  I do not like it. With that being said...

Last night, or rather early this morning I decided to try making my own veggie chips. So I looked it up on the good ole net, cuz that's were it's all at right. I found a recipe for carrot chips or rather strips, and since that's all I really had in the house that's what I made. So at 12:51am I started making them. Turned out pretty good too, and DH liked them. Think I will do things a bit different next time.

Now this brings me on to today. Guess what I'm making? Come on try and guess. Re-read over the last couple of paragraphs. Did you figure it out yet? Jeez...I'm making Kale chips with fresh shredded Parmesan. Bwahahaha! Guess what? They are pretty damn good, for Kale. I wouldn't call them chips though like everyone out there is calling them. Just cuz something is dried out and crunches don't mean it's a chip. You sure could never dip these things. They are fricken dried leaves for crying out loud, but I'll eat them. In fact, I can't seem to stop eating them. If DH don't get his butt up soon there wont be any for him to try out.

Here's what I did if you would like to try these:

I only made a small amount just in case they were gross.

four stems of kale
olive oil spray
sea salt
fresh Parmesan

Pre-heat oven to 350F

Wash and make sure you dry the kale well. Very important that it's dry.

Remove the leaves from the stems and place on a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with olive oil.

Spray the leaves with the olive oil

Take the sea salt and with your fingers sprinkle on the leaves of kale.

Shred some fresh parmesan and sprinkle lightly on each kale leaf.

Bake in heated oven for about twelve minutes. They will be done when the edges dry out and they feel crispy. 


  1. I can't believe how much your life resembles mine! Isn't it aggravating when you know that you are putting healthy things in your body, but your body rejects them? I did the whole "raw" food and juice thing and lost a pound. ONE pound. Worth it? Not at all! I know you said you like pop (I haven't heard anyone say pop in YEARS! I'm from Buffalo, and no one outside of there and Canada (Michigan maybe?) says pop! LOVE it!) and drink it all the time, but so many people have so many more vices, it doesn't seem fair, does it? Anyway, we LOVE kale chips--and my husband doesn't like anything that is particularly good for him! Also, I put kale (and spinach and carrots) in smoothies and as long as you don't put in too much, you can't taste it. Mix in some bananas, some berries, and whatever other fruit you want (I use frozen). I sometimes throw in some yogurt--Greek yogurt is really high in protein--and that is good, too.

  2. Hi Nika, only one pound? Oh man that sucks. Oh yes I said pop. Here in Minnesota that's what we call it. It's not soda, it's not soda's pop. lol. Nice short and very sweet. Those are good idea's to try. The family didn't care for the kale chips but were really digging the carrot strips. I try to use Greek yogurt whenever I can. It's more calories, but much higher protein and I'll go with that since we don't eat a bunch of meat. Thanks for joining and sharing.
