
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Begining and Possibly the End. Part 2

5/7/12 continued
So now rather than fostering these children, I'm now going to be adopting these three children. Gosh did I mention that the ages were 8, 5, and 3? Well there they are again if I already did. This worker, and I am giving her the benefit of doubt here, does have the children's welfare in mind, except for the fact that I AM NOT THE ENEMY HERE, AND YOU NEED TO STOP TREATING ME AS SUCH!!!!! Now I understand the people you have had to deal with in regards to these children, but please listen...I am not them, or of the same breed. Sorry my relative, love ya but you know it's true, and no I'm not a snob or anything people. Some things you just have to see to understand. 

So after going round and round with this lady for about two hours, I finally asked her point blank, "are you telling me that I can't adopt my own relative? Are you telling me that because I didn't come forward a month ago to get custody that I now, even though I'm their relative and just found out about screwed?" Her answer was, "yes that's what I'm telling you". OOOOOO-EEEEE!  DH get ready for the ride, this broad pissed me off by lying to me and now she's telling me no. It's on baby, here I come. I might not have money, and I know this is gonna cost me, but I don't care. You do not tell me no in regards to my family. Ok seriously DH has no idea what's gone on other than the comment I made in reference to southern states being difficult in regards to this when he woke up today.

I got off the phone with her after she told me that she would have her supervisor contact me. I'm thinking she just said that to get me to stop bugging her. I immediately began looking up numbers here in my state and county. I honestly don't even remember who all I called except for two people. One was a worker from my county from the adoption department. God bless her soul. When she answered the phone she sounded like another over worked state employee. Tired and worn out. By the time I got a quarter of the way through with the story of my conversation with the other worker, she was much more alive. Ok, understatement there very alive she became. My first actual question for her was on one of my states laws regarding getting licensed for foster care if you are a relative since the other workers main concern was getting these kids in a stable adoptive home. The law goes like this, paraphrasing certain circumstances a relative may take custody of a relatives child without getting licensed but must have a home visit and pass a background check. Upon getting the child the relative must work on obtaining their license. The worker here confirmed that that was true and that I read the law correct, and that the worker from down south was wrong. SCORE ONE FOR ME!!!! My worker (I'm just gonna call her that for now to keep things less confusing) told me to contact the other workers supervisor and give them her name and number and inform them that I am in the process of a home study. And that worker was concerned that my state takes too long. Paaaleeze. My worker referred me to another program that also provides the classes I need to become...You know? I have no idea why I have to take the classes or what they are about. Doesn't matter though...state says I have to do it so do it I will. The other person I spoke with was someone who provides support for grandparents and other relatives in gaining custody. She sent me a ton of information that I have yet to scratch the surface in reading. Ladies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I called some attorneys from the other state  to get a better understanding of the laws in that state. Yeah, I have yet to hear back from them. I then did some research on the Inter State Compact for the Placement of Children to find out just what was coming and to make sure I was aware of what they also required. It seemed pretty cut an dry. I don't know why everyone makes such a big deal out of it. I guess it all depends on how fast the states respond.  After dealing with the out of state worker I have had just about enough for the day, and it's time for some quiet. I'll pick up my sword again tomorrow.

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