
Monday, October 29, 2012

The Begining and Possibly the End. Part 4


For the last couple of days, there hasn't been anything for me to do other than keep calling the supervisor. Each time I was met with her recording. Each time I left a message, each time she didn't return my call. Today I will be calling her supervisor, and if I don't hear from her come Monday afternoon, I will be calling her supervisor.

I feel like they are stone-walling me. I feel like, they think that if they don't return my phone calls they can continue on with their plans. Only when they reach their goal will they "conveniently call me back. I don't know why this worker doesn't want me to adopt these kids. She says they are up for adoption, but yet when I look on the states site for adoptable kids...they aren't there. So what the hell is going on? Are they not available yet? Do they already have someone in mind and just are forgoing the posting part? I looked at the siblings together section and there are like 70 sets of siblings waiting for adoption. Is she separating them, even though she told me there weren't? Doesn't matter, they aren't in there whether they are listed as single, or as siblings.

I'm getting tired of waiting. I'm not a patient person, waiting to take these classes, waiting for someone to call me back, waiting, waiting, waiting. I do not like being the one that is not in control. LOL, and here I'm trying to do the thing that has almost drove people over the edge with the not knowing. I guess this will be a test of my being. No matter how this turns out, I guess I will have learned something.

I don't get why they can't start the Home Study while we are going to the classes. If it is everyone's goal to get children placed in a stable home, why not do things a bit more streamlined? I know, I know, silly girl, this is the government I'm talking about. Nuff said. I also get that I'm sure if they just expedited every child they wouldn't be as certain on the adoptive parents. Then again maybe the whole thing behind the workers attitude is to see if I really am for real. What better way to get rid of the riff raff than to shoot them right out of the gate. Mom and dad didn't seem to want to go all the way with the requirements, maybe I wont either.

The one thing I don't understand is on top of telling me no, no, no. She did say, "well go ahead and get your foster license, if you want. What you do, is what you do." Not sure how to take this.  This whole fight for these kids started with her telling me that my state takes too long to get licensed, and I told her it didn't. This is the point that I started to hear the no, no, no's.

Ugh! So one phone call into the supervisor of the supervisor. Will call later this afternoon, to give her a  chance to call me back...and now I wait...some more.

Yesterday I told DH that I'm going to need his help in getting the house ready for our home study. I mean we have to do this anyhow, but now that there has been a time limit on it sort of, I'm going to need help. He says to me, that he will help me, but I need to do some stuff for him. WOW really? I'm already doing everything. The only thing he needs to do is show up for the classes on the next two Saturdays. One of the things that needs to be done around here is to clean out the clutter. I have for the most part cleared out anything that I didn't want, it's his turn now. So he says yea I'll do it, but each day you bring me a box to go through and before I play my game, get on the computer, or watch tv when I get home from work and I'll go through it all and consolidate. Then you can  find out what they are looking for in the perfect house, and start looking for the info on buying a house, and find us a house......How about you not stay the fuck up until 6am so you can get your ass up and help me with this stuff, rather than throw it all on my head. Seriously dude, this is the last straw. Damn I suppose I shouldn't put stuff like that in here considering what's going on, but hell I'm not perfect, and that just fricken pissed me off.

So off I go to go find funding, and find a house and find out what it is that they are looking for exactly in a adoptive family and home.  Oh and deal with the people from down south, and wash laundry, and clean, organized and declutter a house all by myself. ...then we hit the time when the kids come home. What does he get to do? Go to work, run around dealing with idiots for only 8 hrs, have a social life even if it is only at work for 8 hours, come home, play games, sit on computer, eat, watch tv, go to sleep. Wake up an hour maybe two hours before he has to go to work....kiss my ass.

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