
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dog Hair Everywhere!: A Crazy Story of a Dog Rescue

     For two and a half years Henry the Beagle has been the only dog here. He is very spoiled. He has slept with me since day one. He burrows under the blankets and keeps me warm at night. He is my shadow and follows me everywhere, and in the off chance he gets locked out of the room at night he gets naughty and lets me know he's not happy with me. He is used to someone being home most all the time, and has separation anxiety if we all leave, but especially if I leave. He doesn't like to come when called especially if he's outside smelling things like Beagles like to do. Despite all his "flaws" I still love him.

     Well one day the DH and I were talking, and we thought maybe we should get a second dog. One for keeping Henry company and hopefully help with some of the behaviors ( the thought did cross my mind that Henry might teach the new dog his behaviors and then we would have two naughty dogs) and secondly for protection since we live in a not so great neighborhood. Now Henry will do his best to protect us, but alas he is only a fat Beagle.

     So I started the hunt for a dog that didn't cost a fortune, because well we couldn't afford that much. After responding to several ads with no return responses, I finally put an ad on Craigslist. Now here is what happened and I joke you not...ten minutes after posting the ad I looked out my kitchen window and saw a huge dog in the yard.
We called him knox at first since he responded to the name

 We live off of a busy street and I didn't want him to get hit so I quick grabbed some treats and headed out the door.  By the time I made it to the back yard he was gone. I figured he headed (hopefully away from the busy street )  down the alley. I rounded the corner, and almost came face to face with another large dog, with the first one not being in site. 
She liked the name Baby Girl 

 First thought that came into my head was, "holy crap, there's two of you!" So I held out a treat to the second dog, hoping it would come to me, and it did. I then caught sight of the first dog, and managed to get him to come to me, but he didn't want the treat and just kept on going through the yard out into the street and into the parking lot across from us. So I made sure I had a tight grip on the second dogs collar, started yelling for Princess to come and help me and followed the first dog. Princess caught up with me on the front step, and I handed her the second dog intending to go after the first dog, but by this time he realized his friend wasn't following him and he turned around and started coming back. Ran in front of a car who thankfully wasn't going fast, and gave me a big kiss. I Made sure I had a very tight hold on his collar and we brought them in the house.

    Now Jokester, and Superman were hopping up and down in excitement yelling, "can we keep them!" Henry the Beagle was doing his dog thing smelling them all up. The first dog, who we found out was a male Lab and weighed about 75lbs promptly ran into my livingroom and peed on my couch, while the second dog we found out was a female, three legged Rottweiler mix just soaked up love. 

     Well we had to come up with names for these two since the Lab didn't have tags, and the Rotti didn't have an ID tag, but had a rabies tag, and dog license tag. So we kept Baby Girl for the Rotti since she liked it, and came up with Knox for the Lab since he responded to it. Now to try and track down where these two came from, but it was a Saturday so I had to wait after the weekend to make my calls.  

     Long story short, I found B.G.'s former owners son. Apparently his dad had died a year ago, and he gave her and her life long companion Smokey the Cocker Spaniel to the girl who was renting his fathers house. She apparently had to move dropped B.G. and smokey off at a friends house (who happened to do foster care for adoptable dogs) and was never heard or seen from since. Turns out that Knox and B.G. had escaped and I had found them. I found out about Smokey but at the time didn't know where he was. We gave knox back, and took Smokey, and that is how I ended up with a house full of dog hair. Which I hate, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Baby Girl, Smokey, and Henry looking like a cute dork (he just got neutered)