
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Meet Superman AKA Robert

     Well it's about time you get to meet the family. You know, give you some faces to go with the names and tell you a bit about each of them and I'll start with the youngest Superman AKA Robert.

He's kinda cute isn't he?

      This handsome guy is four, and is looking forward to being five. In fact he asks me everyday if he's five yet.  Now Robert has this thing about his name. If you call him anything other than Robert he has a fit! He will loudly proclaim, "MY NAME IS ROBERT!" Getting him to accept the fact he also has a last name was impossible. Big shout out to his teachers for the progress on this, because I sure wasn't getting anywhere.

     Robert earned the name Superman for the simple fact the kid is fearless. He will try just about anything that involves flying through the air. When he was 1 and a 1/2 years old we took him to the park, and at said park there was a climbing wall to get up to the walkway. The landing was about seven feet in the air give or take. DH stood at the bottom to make sure he didn't fall, while I looked on with the camera. Needless to say there are no pictures of this great feat. Why? Because I was having a heart attack! 
Robert made it to the top and promptly turned around laughing and launched himself off the landing towards DH. Now DH is 6'1" and the look on his face was one of sheer terror when he realized what was happening. You see Robert has this thing of launching himself at people so they could catch him. (mind you this had always happened while he was standing on the ground) Each and every time he did this someone would catch him, so I'm assuming he thought the same here. DH raised up on his tippy toes and stretched out his arms above his head as far at they would go, and just as Roberts feet came over DH's head with the rest of him already behind DH, with the tips of his fingers DH managed to grab his thighs. The acrobatics on DH's part were spectacular, and had my heart not been in my throat and I in the process of dying I would have been clapping like a crazy person. Great Catch!

     I'm a bit scared for Christmas Eve to come, you see last year Robert broke his arm. The day started out great, went and had brunch with the extended family caught up on what was going on with everyone. Met all the cousins I hadn't met since we were living out of state for a number of years. We did have to leave early because I had to work. I finally got off of work and as I was walking to the truck my phone rang. It was DH. "Kim you have to come home, I think Robert broke his arm." Oh shit! I'm on my way! I made a 45 minute drive in 20  minutes. (Thank you God for protecting me, and keeping the cops out of my way) I walk in the door and take a look, (mind you I have never seen what a broken bone looks like) and say, "lets go to the hospital". DH looks at me and says, "really?" The reason he said this is whenever he wants to take a kid to the hospital I say no. Mommy intuition here, haven't missed yet. So off we go to the hospital, where they x-rayed his arm. Sure enough he broke it, but he out did himself here. he broke it in two places right below the elbow. 
How did he break it you ask? Well apparently him and Jokester were jumping from bed to bed in their room. Robert didn't make the five foot jump and landed on his arm. 
Christmas day go upstairs to check on the boys and what do you think they were doing? Jumping on the beds of course. Asked Robert if his arm hurt, he told me it did. Asked him if he wanted to break the other arm too, nope was his answer. "Robert how did you break your arm?" "Jumping on the bed" was his reply. "Then if you don't want your other arm broke and you broke this one while jumping on the bed, why are you jumping on the bed?" "Cuz it's fun", was his response. I give up.

Doesn't look like it hurts too much now does it?

     Now Robert has another side to him besides thinking he's Superman. He can get very crabby. Now this usually happens in two point two seconds. One minute he's cracking up, the next it's nuclear meltdown. It even affects him in his sleep.

     This year he started pre-school. Which he totally loves, but there's a glitch. He has taken to kicking, punching, slapping other people. It doesn't matter if it's a teacher or a classmate. He is improving though. Last week he only punched on person. I am so grateful for his teachers who have the patience of a saint. Thank you school for not kicking him out. 
He also had his school picture taken. Wasn't very impressed with it, but it definitely is him.

     Then there is the goofy side of Robert. The one that makes you forget all about the other sides of him. This kid is a ham, and he knows it. All these personalities make up my baby, and I'm proud to share a bit about him with you.

With Jokester hamming it up.

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