
Friday, December 23, 2011

Marathon Shopping

     I finally did it! We actually got all the Christmas shopping done with the exception of one present. It was a crazy day yesterday that is for sure. Finally got the haul hidden for wrapping later, picked up the boys and drove DH to work. I'm so proud of us! Did you see the Heavens open and the Angles singing Hallelujah? It was a beautiful thing. Sigh.

     Good thing Princess is gone until later tonight because her closet is crammed to the busting point. Going to have to remember to tell her not to touch, or there might be a landslide. Someone could seriously get hurt if not properly ready to dart and catch as things start flying out the door. Must have full battle gear on for this because I sure don't want to make a trip to the hospital like last year with Superman.

     So after giving the boys a healthy meal of tacos, and letting them get all the rambunctious behavior out of them it was finally time for them to go to bed. Gave Superman his medicine, let him pick out a movie since it was his turn, tucked them in, and prayed they fell asleep fast so I would not be up all night wrapping presents. It worked! It really worked. They fell asleep in an hour, and then it was time to let the fun  begin.

 Please trust me they do have their own beds. 
Sometimes you just have to leave them where they fall.

     So I go to said closet to begin take out the presents. I called it right, landslide. Fortunately I wasn't hurt. It was close though, at one point I saw something go zooming past my head. I decided to take out the remaining presents in layers, thinking hopefully it would be safer. This also allowed me to separate them into kid piles to make sure there were equal piles. Yippee, I didn't loose count when shopping, they each had the same amount. Now I don't have to hear, " he has more than me." 

     I was going to put the batteries in all the toys, but I figured DH could do that tomorrow while I take pictures with my camera that I lost two years ago, and found two weeks ago. It has been patiently waiting 2 weeks for me to get a new SD card. Poor camera, I'm sure it felt neglected.  There's just a glimpse into my disorganization, it gets worse but we'll touch on that another day. 

     I started wrapping presents at 9:30, and didn't finish until 2 am. Well I take that back, I gave up at 2 am. and saved the stocking stuffers for Princess to wrap when she gets home tonight. It took me so long because when I was a child, my father decided to teach me how to properly wrap presents. I had to wrap, and wrap until I got it perfect. I still wrap perfect and that takes time. I really wish I could just slap some paper on the stupid things, but alas I have had perfection drilled into me. 

     So I got most of them wrapped, bag them by kid, and went to shove them all back in the closet to wait for Santa. They did not fit back in. I moved, I rearranged, I shoved, I pleaded, and I prayed for these stupid things to go back in the closet. It is the only spot in the house that is safe from the boys. They must go back in! I even try to bribe them, and assure them falsely that if they go in, I will not allow Superman to break them. I think they were on to me. DH calls from the living room, "what's the matter?" "Oh nothing, just can't get these things to fit back in the closet", I say through gritted teeth. "Do you need help?" Now here is where something goes wrong. Instead of saying yes, I say no. Why I do this, I have no idea, because while my mouth is saying no, my brain is screaming, "yes you idiot I need help, shouldn't you just come and help without me having to ask?" What the heck is that, and why is my brain calling him an idiot? I obviously have some things to work out here, but in the mean time if any of you have an idea about this please feel free to comment below. Lord knows I need all the help I can get.

     Well I'm off to bake cookie for Santa (ok, let's get real here, they are for me). Santa works so hard this time of year I, oops I mean Santa deserves to have some chocolatey goodness. 
You all take care, and have yourself a great Christmas. 


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