
Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Hate Mornings


     Oh boy, its a rough day for me. Just kinda lost my zing. I think I need a vacation. Yeah that's it. You see every weekday starts out with prying myself out of bed to get the boys ready for school. Now I'm supposed to be up at 6:30 am but I don't usually get out of bed until almost 7:00, and on most days only because Princess comes in and tells me it's 7:00. Why don't I use an alarm clock you ask? Well I do, but somewhere in between blindly reaching out to hit the snooze button I end up turning the dang thing off. Thank God for Princess!

     Next I have to pry the boys out of bed. Most days they will get up eventually, but on occasion I have to haul them out of bed. Jokester usually tries the, "pick me up" tactic, yeah right, that's not happening. Your six, get your own butt off the top bunk. While I'm doing this all three dogs enter room to "help". Go away dogs, it's too fricken early for this. They don't listen...what a surprise. Next, if I didn't have my act together the night before (which I usually don't) I get to scramble trying to find one school uniform, one matching outfit and socks and underwear for both boys. (mental note...check the laundry basket full of clothes I never put away). Then it's time for all six of us to go down the stairs all at the same time with three of us going blindly since our eyes aren't open yet. I am seriously surprised no one has died yet during this process. The boys are smart, they go down on their butts, me...not so smart.

     So once we are downstairs, the boys curl up into balls on the couch, and refuse to get dressed. Hopefully neither of them has managed to sneak a blanket down because then they really wont move. 
Meanwhile, as I'm telling the boys to get dressed, I start letting the dogs out. This in it's self is a project as we don't have a fenced yard, and they go out one at a time. Somewhere between dogs I actually get to go potty. I'm not afraid to say it, I am one of those people who must pee upon wakening, however it usually doesn't happen that way as you can see. So I hop on off to the bathroom with by now a much firmer, "get dressed" aimed at the boys who are now awake and tormenting each other and doing everything but getting dressed. It is now 7:10.

     Get out of the bathroom check on the boys, one has pants on now and is putting on socks, the other has one sock on. This is not going well, so I  get down in front of them, and make sure they are looking at me, and I tell them, YOU GUYS HAD BETTER MOVE YOUR BUTTS OR YOUR GOING TO MISS THE BUS!" It is now 7:18.
Now you might be thinking to yourself, why is it so important that they don't miss the bus, you are after all a stay at home mom and you could just drive them right? My answer to you is yes I am, and yes I could, but there are two reasons for them not missing their bus. Number one, I really don't feel like going out in my PJ's cuz I sure am not getting dressed, and two, if I, even just once, drive them to school they will think it's cool and will purposely miss the bus. They are evil that way, and I have absolutely no intentions of driving my kids to school. They are perfectly capable of taking the bus. In the off chance they do miss the bus, I will make sure we are all dressed according the this crazy Minnesota weather, and walk their butts to school, I will not be happy,and I will make sure they are not happy.

     So anyhow between yelling at the boys to get dressed, and yes I am yelling by now, I must feed the dogs. They all have separate bowls, but for some reason Smokey has decided that BG's bowl is his and has now for two days attacked Henry when he walked in the vicinity. Now I must break up the dog fight drag Smokey to the kennel, and yell some more at Superman who is still getting dressed.

I feel like crying.

     7:20 Jokester is now dressed, has his shoes on and is brushing his teeth, thank God. Superman is just finishing up getting dressed, I drag him to the bathroom to brush his teeth, send Jokester to get his jacket and backpack on. 7:23 tell Superman he's done with his teeth shove him into his jacket, slap on his boots, give hugs and kisses to all (yes Princess still like kisses and hugs from mom) and shove them all out the door to catch the bus at 7:25.

     7:26 I breathe. This is just my morning, (I'll cover the rest of the day some other time) and now you see why I need a vacation.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh! I have this morning, minus the three dogs, every morning!! Hilarious!
