
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Meet the Princess: AKA Autumn

     Princess, AKA Autumn came into this world almost 17 years ago. There was one thing special about her. Her hands and feet were super puffy. Five doctors later, I finally found out the cause of the puffiness. She had Turner's Syndrome which only affects girls. I'm sorry repeat this please doc? After I did some studying I found out that there is a very high rate of the fetus aborting herself in the first trimester, so any TS girl born is indeed a miracle and God decided I should have such a miracle. This was quite the challenge for a 22 year old single mother, but we worked through the rough times just fine.

     Now when Autumn was younger, and an only child she was always bugging me for a baby brother or sister. She got her wish times two. Jokester came when she was ten, and Superman when she was twelve. She now regrets her wish, because her little brothers driver her crazy. Hmm welcome to my world Princess. Don't get me wrong, she loves the dickens out of them and would do anything for them, she just wishes they would leave her alone. You see when the boys aren't tormenting each other, they are tormenting her, but instead of one on one it's two against one. Poor thing.
Autumn helping Joe
     Autumn is my helper, and the one who keeps me somewhat sane around here. The things I can't (or don't want) to do she does. On top of that this kid gets straight A's. Without even trying! Wish I could have done that when I was in school, but alas it was not to be. This girl is always sunny and happy, never lets anything get her down for long. And let me tell you, she cracks me up. She is so gullible, you just cant help but mess with her.  I'm sure my payback will come someday, but in the mean time...I will enjoy myself immensely.
 trying not to crack up for school pictures
       I'm pretty bummed because she will only be here for one more year, and then she graduates and will step into the real world where I can't protect her any more. Then there's the other reason...I will be left in a house full of boys, but mostly I will miss my baby girl. I have secretly decided not to teach her how to cook so she has to come home sometime for real food, that way I still get to see her. See I'm smart sometimes. I sure hope the man she finds someday will know how to cook, but then again they can both come home for food. 

Princess and myself

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