
Friday, January 20, 2012

Dog Sitting...Sort of

Thank you God! It's Friday. Well this is a blessing and a curse, but at least I don't have to get up early tomorrow. So that would be the blessing, and on another note...

I seriously can not believe I just sat on Smokey. Let me back track a bit. Shoved the kids out the door for school, and went to sit on the couch to decompress a bit. There was a dog in my spot. Now here is the good couch is white (sort of) Smokey is black. How the hell did I not see a black dog laying on my not so white couch?  I must need more caffeine. To give him credit he just laid there, and gave me a look like, "hi, I'm already in this spot". 

Smokey doesn't do much or react much to anything. He just is. You ask him if he wants a treat...he just sits there looking at you. Ask him if he wants to go outside...just sits there. Try to play with him...yeah he just sits there. Unless you have the laser light, then he crawls on his belly pawing the little red dot. Just kinda scoots after it for a couple of minutes, then he's done. 

He doesn't bark when someone knocks on the door, but he does go to the door in his old man walk. Time is all he has. The one thing he does do or I should say the couple of  things he does is, barks at people and things outside, but not too much. Just lets them know he there. He whines when I leave, yes another dog with separation anxiety. Fortunately he isn't naughty like Henry. He just sits at the door and whines. He actually becomes giddy when I come home. It's like he's saying, "OMG! Your home! I missed YOU so much!!!" It doesn't really matter if I just came in from the basement, it totally makes his day. Oh yeah, his tail is always wagging, that is unless he's protecting BG's food dish, then he's attacking poor Henry. Then it's back to just sitting there.

Smokey is a Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix, and unfortunately he has the skin problems that come with the Cockers. This poor thing is always scratching and licking. Let me tell you it took some getting used to hearing him scratch while I was in the shower. I kept getting out of the shower to see who was at the door. Thump, Thump, Thump is his tune. My tune is, "Smokey! Quit licking!" In fact it's become the family saying. Everyone is saying it now. It's a work in progress to get him some relief, I keep trying new things, and foods in the hopes one of these will work. So far, nothing. 

Well I really didn't have this in mind as I started writing today, but I must go with the flow. So now you get to learn about our Smokey. I don't really like Cockers, but looking at his droopy eyes with the lashes that any woman would kill heart told me other wise. This old guy needed a forever home while he lives out his senior years, and our home is it for him. 

Random Thought: So glad I'm not a dog and have to potty outside in the cold. Yikes, makes me cold just thinking about it!

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