
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just a Normal Day

Guess I had a bit of writers block yesterday, I was coming up dry on what to write about. Imagine that with this family. That's not saying nothing happened around here, I just couldn't manage to put it in writing. 

The bulk of yesterday was spent trying to get doctors and prescriptions switched over since I have new insurance. It was definitely not what I would call a fun time. I think I have it just about wrapped up though. Boy I hope I do at least, but since I tend to be on the forgetful side I'm sure I missed something. Guess I will find out later right?

I managed to get caught up on the things I had let slide last week. Just wasn't motivated to do much of anything including cooking. Poor kids ended up with a lot of pizza, and chicken nuggets. I'm thinking they were enjoying it, since they love to eat junk food, but hey I got them fed and that's the important part. The dog hair was threatening to take over the house, since BG sheds like crazy, and in my laziness didn't brush her at all last week. I usually have to brush her everyday to keep the dog hair down to a minimum.

Superman attacked the Sunday newspaper. He really loves to "read" it. However when he was finished with it my living room looked like a paper bomb had gone off. I told him to pick it up and put it in a pile for me, and this is what he considered a pile.

Now I will say that this is a huge improvement over what it did look like, but it really wasn't what I was looking for. Especially since the other part of my day where I wasn't on the phone with insurance people I spent picking up the toys that had, like the dog hair invaded my living room and kitchen. Apparently I missed a toy since there is a dart in the picture. At least they don't hurt if you step on them.

If you look in the background you can see some feet. This would be Superman's little tootsies and one of Jokesters. Superman has this thing were he only likes to wear one sock. I'm not sure where this came from other than it might be his way of compromising  with me. Before the one sock thing happened I couldn't keep socks on him at all. He is a barefoot kinda kid I guess, I on the other hand would like my kid to wear socks in the winter. I know call me silly. So I'm guessing this is his way to keep both of us happy. He gets one barefoot, I get one sock. I can work with that. It's all about picking your battles people.

Jokester decided the other day he wanted to pose with BG and get a picture taken, so I obliged him, and snapped a couple for him. 

Hey now don't judge me on his mismatched jammas. Remember the laundry basket? Hmm I don't think I have many pictures of a kid without some toy being in the picture. Gonna have to do something about that. Oh like make them pick up their toys! Yeah right.

Random thought: I totally think it's cute watching a dog walk down the stairs. I have no idea why.

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