
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Go Roll Yourself a Fat One...It's Ok

Well I came across a news post making the statement that, "occasional pot smoking does not harm lungs". Well then if the government says so, and this was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse which is a branch of US department of Health, it really must be true. So I tried to pull up the report from their site, and it seems their server must be on overload because it was taking FOR EVER to load. So based only on the news link, because well I'm not that patient of a person here I go.

I admit I smoked pot back in the day, but it's been oh, twenty years or so. I am not necessarily for it nor am I against it. It's going to be here no matter what the government says or does. Just the plain fact. I personally don't like the feeling of being high, and why spend my money when I sort of feel like that naturally  anyhow. We remember, or have read and learned about the prohibition era.  Um yeah, that didn't work out so great. What resulted was a huge increase of criminal activity from organized crime, and Speakeasies. Now I must admit I wish I would have been around during the time of the Speakeasies, cuz it looks like it was a cheeky good time other than the fact the US was going to be sliding down the shit hole into the Great Depression.

I find it strange how the government does all these studies, and then tells us all how to live. Remember when butter was the worst thing you could eat? Now apparently it's ok to use now. Same with eggs. We Americans are gullible. We have gotten to the point where we let everyone but ourselves speak or make decisions for us. The media especially is one who is guilty.  Why are we so afraid to think? Well this is a topic for another time, and please don't think I'm anti government because I'm not. There's just some stuff that doesn't add up to me. Oops, I'm a free thinking individual, watch out for me. 

Back to smoking pot. I personally think if it was legalized there would be much less crime, and this is based on my personal experience. I know that while I was high, the last thing that was on my mind was to steal someone's car at gun point. Not that it's on my mind now. Why? Because it was hard enough for me to get the motivation to get my butt up off the couch just to get something to munch on. Pot makes you relax, or at least that was the case for me. I have heard that it is good for people who are in chronic pain. I'm not so sure on that one. For me, say if my knee was acting up being high sort of intensified the pain, so for me I'm not sure I'm going to swallow that one hook line and sinker. Then again everyone is different.

So I guess where I'm going with this is, just because the government now says studies show it's ok to light one up occasionally does not mean I'm gonna go out and get me some and smoke myself a fat one. Hello! It's still illegal people. (snicker). What it does show is that for the last I don't know twenty plus years the government has been feeding us a lie, and wasting our tax dollars on a campaign that will never work. Yeah government. Hello even the ex President lit one up, oh wait he didn't inhale. I believe that like I believe someone is going to come knocking on my door offering me a million dollars. So what do you think?

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