
Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Flew to the Moon

Oh wow, I just had my six year old smoke my butt at pool.  Not once, but twice!. Ok granted it was on a table top pool table, but really? I must re-evaluate my pool playing strategy. Like perhaps play on my knees so I'm sort of level with the table, or put it on a taller table so he has to be on his tippy toes. I told him that he can't be smoking my butt since I've been playing longer, he replies with,"maybe you just can't play". Ouch, touche my young son. I shall beat you soon just you wait.

Well I got everything re-arranged for the HUGE food and water dish for BG. Yeah, I hate my house some days. I just cleaned out the pantry not too long ago, and it is a disaster again. Seems somebody (Princess) doesn't like to put things back where they belong. Now like I mentioned before my house is very small, but my kitchen...well it's micro. Since I don't have that many cabinets I store all the big pots and cookers in the pantry. It is a very tight fit, and if one thing is out of place, there isn't room for what is actually supposed to go there. I must now re-arrange my entire pantry no thanks to Princess. I wont even mention the coat closet that I went to put something in and couldn't even get in there. Sigh...I give up. That is until I get pissed enough and start ripping everything apart to fix the problem. Never mind the fact that while I'm doing this I will be throwing a spectacular tantrum. I just might need a time-out, or if I was a drinking woman, a nice glass of something good.

Superman came in the kitchen and says to me, "hey what smells so good?" "Honey mustard chicken, why does it smell good?" "Oh yeah, smells wonderful." I hope they don't like it. It's Hamburger Helper, or rather Chicken Helper. My ego would be severely bruised if I'm out cooked by a box. Come to think of it, what got into me? I never ever buy this kind of food, well except Mac and Cheese sometimes. Must be slipping or something, or just had some leftover chicken I had no idea on what to do with. Yeah that's it, I'm sticking with that story. It really didn't have anything to do with me being lazy, not at all.
Update: Superman did not like it so I guess I'm still number one around here. He did mention before he even took a bite that it smelled so good he didn't want to eat it all gone. Guess smell and taste were on different tracks today.

BG has this really irritating habit of when she wants to be petted she will nudge your arm. She is currently making it very hard to type. She apparently wants some pets. I better give her a pet before she starts giving me her paw which she does if she isn't getting her way. She has a big ole paw, and she seems to have good coordination to smacking me in the face with her nails. Yeah, this habit is going to end soon. People will start asking what the hell happened to me when they see my face all scratched up. I of course will tell them I got in a fight with a bear or some other wild animal. Kind of like when a bill collector called me and I told them I had flown to the moon. The dumb chick actually believed me, and I never heard from them again. Sometimes the stories have to be so unbelievable to be believable I guess.

Somehow I have managed to hurt one of my toes. It happens to be the middle toe, so I can secretly flip off everyone who pisses me off. Hehe. I don't have any idea what I did, it just started hurting, and it hurts really bad. Almost like it's out of joint or something. So I think tonight calls for just putting my feet up and doing a whole bunch of nothing. Maybe catch a flick on Netflix or something. Now I just need some good munchies. Any volunteers?

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