
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Forget the Laughing Garden

Ok so enough with the serious stuff already. I spend about 90% of my time being serious and depressing, this blog is supposed to be a way for my humor, to come out as I struggle to deal with my Crazy life. At least I think there's some humor in me somewhere. And on that note...

I really hate my forgetfulness, it makes life so complicated and chaotic. I listen to the boys babbling on to each other when they aren't trying to kill the other (when they are trying to kill each other, I don't listen), and the things that come out of their mouths just makes me chuckle. I would love to share some of the things, but alas my forgetfulness strikes. I am seriously thinking I should invest in a recorder so that I might share the cuteness with others.

In fact last night while driving home from picking Princess up from night school, the boys were have great conversations. I mentioned the recorder thing to Princess between chuckles and she got out her phone and tried to record them. It didn't really work, but thanks bugs for trying. Yes I call my daughter bugs, and it isn't because she likes bugs either. She's just my luv bugs. He he, I got to embarrass her!

Jokester and Superman have a typical brother relationship I guess. I personally think they do way more fighting than the average brothers, but then again I don't have to sit and listen to other brothers all the time. During the rare times where they are not trying to kill each other, these two get along fabulously and peels of laughter abound. Jokester, being true to his nickname loves to make Superman laugh, and he will stop at nothing to make this happen. Superman thinks he is hilarious. You know those videos of the babies laughing hysterically? Superman laughs just like that. His laughter is contagious. It makes you stop whatever you are doing to listen, and then wonder what they are doing or getting into.

On a different topic...the weather here in Minnesota is deifying all weather norms. We have virtually no snow, although we are supposed to get a light dusting today and tonight. Yesterday the temps were 52 degrees, which I think is much better than -20 below. I do understand the need for snow here, since we don't get rain...well usually don't get rain as I speak it is misting out, our spring will be very dry. Not a good thing for the farmers if we don't get some form of precipitation here. I decided to go out to the garden and see if my carrots were still going. I just threw some leaves over the tops of them in a half hearted  attempt to see if I could get carrots in the winter. I had read that if you throw about a foot of mulch over them they would keep going. My leaves didn't even come close to being a foot, more like four inches. To my surprise...there are carrots still growing, and to an even greater surprise the onions that I thought had died are growing too.

It's a carrot!

Some of the carrots didn't make it, or rather some of the tops didn't make it. I suppose when I go out this spring to start digging I will find some more. Hopefully they will have become good size by then.

My surprise onions. If you look close there is actually some green in there.

These really took my by surprise since I thought I had killed them this summer. They didn't have the ideal spot to grow and were over shadowed by the cabbage which went crazy. I'm very glad they are coming back since I use onions in just about everything. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

They might be small, but there they are, my carrots!

I had a really hard time getting a picture of these little guys, for some reason the flash on my camera is powerful enough to cause permanent blindness. That is, unless I stand fifty feet away from whatever I'm taking a picture of. I really need a new camera. Carrots...that's what I was talking about. I have never planted carrots before, in fact the only veggie's I have ever grown have been tomatoes for Princess. She loves tomatoes with a passion, and she really had her fill this summer. Jeez back to carrots here. I planted them kind of late and a bit too close and was too lazy to thin them out and didn't really have anywhere for them to go had I actually thinned them so they didn't grow very big. I also apparently have the soil that is the consistency of concrete as you can see from the largest white one that was starting to curve back up. Lessons learn right?

In all my garden was a huge experiment, and one that I really enjoyed doing. Before the earwigs attacked the corn, and the rabbits attacked everything else but the beans, carrots, and tomatoes my garden looked awesome! I found out that I really need to start my seeds much earlier than I did as some things didn't get to fully grow before the frost hit. In fact I should be starting them now I guess. Not sure where I will put all these to be soon to be plants someday, as my house is stuffed to capacity. I suppose I can always use the huge coffee table that is in my upstairs bathroom. Yes I have a coffee table in there, don't ask...please.

I would post a picture of my beautiful garden, but alas I can not find one. I know I took pictures because I was so proud of myself, but they are no where to be found. Which means I must have deleted them. The only picture that remains is of bare ground when I dug up the garden or rather when DH and his oldest dug it up...not very interesting if you ask me. 

Random thought of the day: hell I don't have one right off the top of my head. Minds a little on the blank side today.

On a side note, did you figure out how I got the tile of this post? I forget, the boys laugh, and I grew a garden...pretty good huh? Pa leeez it's called lack of imagination, you should re-read the random thought line again.

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