
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sledding Down a Mountian

I have to apologize for some of these lame posts. I just don't seem to have it in me on some days, but I still write about a bunch of crap that doesn't really seem to go together. Got some things weighing heavy on the mind, and there are some days where I just really can't find my funny. I guess today would be one of them.

I have a lot of friends who say to me, "Kim I don't know how you do it, life kicks you in the stomach and you just keep walking." I have to say that yes I do just keep on walking, don't do no good to just stand still wallowing in the problems. While I continue walking I take a deep breath and just put one foot in front of the other. That doesn't mean that the shitty situations don't affect me, because they do. Just like everyone else out there I do get bogged down sometimes, but I have to keep going. I know that eventually whatever might be causing me stress or discomfort will eventually work it's self out. It sure doesn't seem like it though at the moment. Sometimes I just want to give up because it all seems too hard.

You know those time's when you are at odds with your other half, and the kids are raising hell and tearing down the house with you still in it. There's a dog pissing on your couch, and the damn truck keeps breaking down. Then there are the medical appointments, the stupid medical insurance, and the arrogant asshole doctors who refuse to listen, and for God's sake what's up with the price of gas? I am seriously going to get whiplash from bobbing my head up and down with these prices. Hmm, wonder if there is a lawsuit in there somewhere. Yeah right. 

Oh let's not forget the evil mailman (oops mail delivery person, must be politically correct now don't we) who seems to have it out for me. What did I ever do to you? I make sure the sidewalk is all free of snow and ice for you, ok Princess does that part mostly, but I'm the one who makes her do it. Then there is the matter of making sure your not late on your electric payment, other wise the whole fricken thing will be due...yesterday. Let's just forget the fact that it was the electric company who screwed up in the first place. Ah yes you all can kiss my ass little ole electric company, made the last payment due to you and am current on my bill. Those times when the paycheck doesn't quite meet the amount of all the bills coming in, and one of the angels getting mad and whipping a dog bone at his sisters door which resulted in said door now having a hole in it. 

The neighbor having a drunken fight on their front steps...again. Really? Bring it inside or you will be dealing with me. Now let's talk about the neighbor person (see they wont tell you who made the complaints) who kept calling various city departments on us to harass us the first summer we lived here. It's funny how the police and everyone else that was called figured out someone was harassing us and put it in their reports. How surprising it was that when I was sitting out in the back yard and proclaimed loudly enough for the neighbors to hear, that I would beat the shit outta the cowardly bastards who kept harassing us, that suddenly the false complaints stopped. You know, come to think of it, I guess most of the above doesn't really matter, cuz the kids will have tore down the house. Problem solved. Gotta love those kids! Great problem solvers they be.

So if you are reading this and life has gotten you down, just remember there's others out there  just like you. We all got our problems, and they all seem insurmountable, but just like everyone else we will all get over that mountain...eventually. Just remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and for a really good time...make sure you bring a sled for the ride down the other side of that's a total rush no matter how short the ride is to the next mountain. Scream like a little girl or boy, and wave your hands in the air, laugh out loud cuz I know I do. It's the only way to live.

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